ISY Elementary School Faculty Blog
7 Weeks Left!

Mike Simpson
April 22, 2022
Thank you again for all you did to promote our ISY Learner Attributes during Spirit Week. Please keep the focus on these attributes as we finish out the school year. If you have any ideas on how to promote any of the attributes, please add them to this ISY Learner Attributes Activity Menu.
We all know we are doing our best…. even when we are not at our best!
Check in. How am I? What do I need? How are they? What do they need from me?
Ask for help and be helpful.
Be present and patient. Take time to fully understand others and allow time for others to understand you. Pausing, Paraphrasing and Posing Questions promotes our common understanding.
Share your ideas and be open to the ideas of others. Once shared, they become our ideas and anything could happen!
Here is the link to the ES Quarter 4 Schedule which is also available on the Elementary School Faculty Pages.
ZOOM LINKS (Semester 2)
Here is a link to the Zoom Links that we will use for Semester 2.
Here is the Q4 Supervision Schedule that we will use for Quarter 4.
This week:
10:00 – 10:20 Grade 2-5 Recess Locations
- Front Steps End of Field / Front Steps Playground: Grades 2/3
- SAS Building End of Field / A Building Playground: Grades 4/5
8:00 – 8:20 Before School Play Duty
Update: Students are allowed on campus before 8am but before school duty will still begin at 8am.
Here is the Before School Play Duty Schedule that we will use for Semester 2.
People on duty this week (week after Thingyan Break):
- Monday: Ian
- Tuesday: Isabel
- Wednesday: Charlie
- Thursday: Swe Zin
Indoor Lunch/Recess
Poor Air Quality & Rainy Days
An air quality reading will be taken at 9:50am so you can be confident that an A Q sign in the window of the B Building at 9:55 means that the air quality is not good enough for outdoor recess. Hopefully this doesn’t happen very often.
Rainy days will be more common soon so this will also require a plan for indoor lunch / recess.
Homeroom Teaching Teams – if you haven’t already, please reach out to Sandy with how you will plan for indoor lunch/recess so we can communicate to those people on duty.
To avoid confusion on rainy days, an email from the Elementary Office will be sent to all Elementary Teachers and Assistants 5 minutes before a lunch/recess to confirm it will be indoors because it is wet. If there is no email, lunch/recess is outside as usual.
Conferences – Friday, August 29
Quarter 3 Progress Reports will act as conversation starters for conferences on Friday, April 29. There will be no classes on this day and conferences will be online.
Student MAP Reports will be uploaded to PowerSchool prior to conferences.
The goal is for parents to see MAP data as one data point in developing a fair and accurate picture of a child’s academic achievement and growth.
Please focus on what you are seeing in class. There is no need to go through the MAP report with the parents as that would put the focus on one piece of data. Please just refer to the MAP report to support what you are seeing. Given the challenges around MAP testing again for the first time in 2 years, it is also ok to say that you don’t think the test reflects what you are seeing in class. Tell the parents that the MAP report is available on Powerschool.
Q4 Interdisciplinary Units
Scope and Sequences
We now have confirmed Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions for our Quarter 4 units. Please refer to the Q4 Scope and Sequence and update it as necessary.
Specialist teachers, please strive to connect to the Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Questions.
Everyone, please strive to integrate our Mission and Vision, Attributes and the SDGs (which inevitably hit our strategic themes) into this last quarter.
Consider how what was covered in our Compassion Conference might help us integrate Service and Action.
Here is where you can find our Q4 Scope and Sequence 2021-2022 Scope & Sequence.
To fill out this year’s Q4 Scope and Sequence, you might want to refer to the skills you focused on this time last year in this Q4 Scope and Sequence 2020-2021.
Please link your planning to the Scope and Sequence as you did for our Q2 Scope and Sequence. We want to give you some autonomy as to how you organize your planning and resources but your planning needs to be in an ISY Shared Drive.
Please also check off the standards that you intend to cover in your subject in Quarter 4. Please make sure there is an ‘x’ in the second column of any standard you will cover in these Grade Level Standards Checklists.
Previous Elementary School Posts
Elementary School Faculty Blog – April 9, 2021
Thank you, Delphine. We appreciate all that you have done for us and our school.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – April 2, 2021
Each day this week has seen more emails from families preparing to leave Yangon and we expect that this will continue throughout this quarter.
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I have a tremendous amount of respect for you all. It means a lot to be part of this group and I think it will mean even more as time goes on.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 19, 2021
We might not feel like experts but today’s assembly was a chance to remind ourselves that we are now good at many things that we did not know how to do at all just a matter of months or weeks or days ago.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 12, 2021
The reality of the current situation can make finding the bright side difficult. But research shows that in difficult times, it is important for our mental health to allow ourselves to acknowledge that times are difficult and to feel rather than suppress negative emotions.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 5, 2021
We have long term, yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans but our planning and preparation has now taken more of a day by day focus. It will therefore need to be very fluid as we plan for our students’ safety and wellbeing, connectedness, and learning.