ISY Elementary School Faculty Blog

Mike Simpson
December 10, 2021
I really look forward to our Wednesday assemblies and, judging by the enthusiasm with which they join the Zoom meeting, our students do too. It is great to see everyone’s face in one place and to be reminded how strong and fun our community is.
Providing students with opportunities to share their work is an important reason for having assemblies. It takes confidence and sometimes courage for many of our students to share their work and ideas with others. Online learning is not perfect but I do think that it has helped some students build the confidence to share their ideas – in an assembly or in class.
When students see others sharing their ideas in a less than perfect situation (and having fun doing it), they realize that they don’t need to be perfect to make a valuable contribution. This very important realization is reinforced by how gracefully and positively you all approach the many and varied challenges of online teaching. It was certainly reinforced for me as I visited classes this week.
Faculty Meeting
We will meet at 7:15am MMT on Monday to check in before the break and chat about Semester 1 reports. Please accept the calendar invite.
If you have anything you would me to address, please email me or put it on our ES Collaborative Agenda.
February MAP Testing
Regardless of whether we are online or in-person, we are planning to run MAP testing for Grade 2 to Grade 5 students in February.
Students will be assessed in Math, Reading, and Language Usage.
Student will be able to opt out of testing is their families feel that it would cause unnecessary stress.
Quarter 2 Schedule
Here is the link to the ES Quarter 2 Schedule which is also available on the Elementary School Faculty Pages.
Friday Emails + Quarter 2 Offline Learning
No detailed subject emails next week but we will send out a short email (I will give you a paragraph to use) to send out our Offline Learning Activities PDFs.
In these folders you will find the Offline Learning Activity templates that will be converted to a PDF to be emailed out every Friday.
We will need to update these offline learning activities to reflect what we are doing in Quarter 2. Please update them by 12pm Thursday MMT.
ISY Annual Compassion Conference
Friday, March 4
This will be organized under the umbrella of ISY Definition of Compassion: The will and understanding to respect and value the identity, culture, perspective, and experience of others in acting to make a positive difference to their lives.
In addition to a key-note speaker addressing resilience in young people (Jake Bailey) and an ISY student panel presenting on LGBTQ+ issues, we will have Cathy Berger Kaye and 3 of her consultants presenting to us on Documentar, story telling in the curriculum, and the dangers of a single narrative (along the lines of this very popular TED Talk)
Teacher workshops will be an important part of this conference.
Teacher workshops might relate to any of our ISY Inclusive Practices and will be organized under the following strands:
- Inclusion
- Service
- Diversity
Workshops can focus on anything under these strands and we are particularly interested in workshops on the following:
- Responsive Classroom Strategies
- Science of Learning – memory, etc.
- Teaching Creativity
- Integrating Technology
Our TIF team of Ian and Lindsey will be helping us put this day together and will be popping into classes from time to time to get ideas and encourage teachers. Please reach out to them if you have an idea you would like some support with – whether you intend to present it or not on March 4.
From the Library
Lindsey and Christian in the library would be very happy to help get books to you that you might want to read to your class or have your students read. These books can be scanned so they can be used online so let them know if you are looking for something.
Semester 1 (Q1 + Q2) Reports
Here are some overviews for Semester 1 Report Writing:
By 12pm on Wednesday, January 12: Subject Comments to be completed.
By 12pm on Friday, January 21: Individual Student Comments to be completed. Please share your Google Document directly with Mike as soon as you have completed your comments.
By 12pm on Tuesday, January 25: Individual Student Comments and Grades to be entered into Powerschool.
Reports go out on Friday, January 28
Interdisciplinary Units
Curriculum Maps and Q2 Scope and Sequence
Here is where you can find our Curriculum Maps (updated for Q1 using report subject comments).
Here is where you can find our Q1 Scope and Sequence. Please link your planning to the Scope and Sequence. I have done this for PE and Culture and Communication to give you an example. We want to give you some autonomy as to how you organize your planning and resources but your planning needs to be in an ISY Shared Drive.
Here is where you can find our Q2 Scope and Sequence.
To fill out this year’s Q2 Scope and Sequence, you might want to refer to the skills you focused on this time last year in these Q2 scope and sequence documents:
PK-1 Q2 Scope and Sequence 2020-2021
2-3 Q2 Scope and Sequence 2020-2021
4-5 Q2 Scope and Sequence 2020-2021
Please also link your planning to the Scope and Sequence.
If you have not already, please check off the standards that you intend to cover in your subject in Quarter 2. Please make sure there is an ‘x’ in the second column of any standard you will cover in these Grade Level Standards Checklists.
These documents are really taking shape and will be a valuable resource in years to come.

From our TIFs
Here are a curated list of helpful links for students and families as we begin the year. These videos can be helpful as you share information with them.
- Overview of Apps used in the ES (Video Link) (Slides Link)
- Sign in to your Chrome Web Browser (Video Link)
- Download Chrome (Website Link)
- Download Chrome on iPad (Video Link)
- Sign in with Google to Seesaw (Video Link)
- Seesaw Parent Login (Video Link)
- How to get into Kids A-Z (Video Link)
- Freckle Login (Video Link)
Previous Elementary School Posts
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 18, 2022
It has been a good week. Even sitting here in New Zealand I can feel what makes ISY special returning.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 11, 2022
Our Mission is our purpose and it is very important that we reconnect with that purpose in Quarter 4.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – March 4, 2022
The ISY Compassion Conference 2022 Google Site has been updated with resources from our presenters.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – February 25, 2022
Next week is a short teaching week with Friday being set aside for our Compassion Conference.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – February 18, 2022
Through continuing to teach online when you can’t make it to campus and by covering classes, duties and ASAs when you can make it, our students are still getting what they need.
Elementary School Faculty Blog – February 10, 2022
I’m quite glad to see that back of that week but very proud of how we managed to get through it. Well done, everyone.